
ARSP Volunteers meet with the German and Polish Ambassadors

On 1st August our 12 UK volunteers met with the German and Polish Ambassadors and other Embassy staff.

Over brunch the volunteers were able to talk about their experiences in their projects and life in the UK over the past 11 months. They spoke about how their time with ARSP had influences their future study and work choices and how touched and grateful they were by the way in which they had been welcomed in their placements. We also had an interesting discussion on why they work of ARSP and keeping the memory of lessons from history alive is so important.

The Polish Ambassador Piotr Wilczek wrote on his Twitter feed after the meeting: “The work of Action Reconciliation Service for Peace volunteers is truly inspiring. Let us learn from the past, nurture relationships, and build a better world together. We honoured the Warsaw Uprising on this significant date.”

We thank the German Embassy for hosting this wonderful meeting.


ARSP Volunteers meet with the German and Polish Ambassadors

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Preparation Seminar in Krakow

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A German Volunteer in the UK reports: Greta Bauer – ARSP volunteer at the AJR

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